Giving Back
"If you haven’t any charity in your heart,
you have the worst kind of heart trouble"
-Bob Hope

At TOWL, we believe in the old cliche, “Sharing is caring.”
It can be a simple gesture like gifting a hand towel to a homeless lady, or something on a larger scale like donating to research. Below are some of the ways we give back.
A portion of our revenue goes to cancer research in the field of immunotherapy as well as ALS research. Our founder is close to those causes because of her own experience with cancer and her mother's battle with ALS.
We donate returns to the homeless and to women’s shelters.
Our Sliding Scale Program
We know our towels are not affordable for all, but we feel everyone deserves a safe morning ritual. If you are interested in our sliding scale program, we invite you to fill out an application here to see if you qualify for a lower rate.
Your Cause
What cause do you care about? Suggest a cause by writing to us at and we will donate a percentage of our December revenue to the cause that resonates the most with the TOWL community.
Giving is a work in progress.
The more we grow, the more we’ll give back and — with your help — give where it matters the most.